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Booking And Appointment Plugin Integration With Zoom

Zoom integration with booking and appointment plugin

In an era where virtual interactions have become the norm, Zoom has emerged as the ultimate solution. Known for its user-friendly interface, high-quality video conferencing, and extensive customization options, it’s no surprise that Zoom has become the go-to platform for individuals and businesses alike.

About Zoom

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that lets users connect with others through video, audio, and chat. It is now widely used for business meetings, webinars, online education, virtual social gatherings, and more. Moreover, Zoom is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, and through web browsers, making it easily accessible for a wide range of users. 

Advantages of Zoom Integration in Booking and Appointment Plugin

Integrating Zoom in the WooCommerce Booking and Appointment plugin offers several advantages, especially for businesses and individuals looking to provide virtual consultation/support services. Our Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce lets your customers book appointments, classes, or virtual consultations directly through your WooCommerce website.

Zoom’s Shift from JWT to OAuth

Zoom used a JSON Web Tokens (JWT) app type to authenticate account-level access earlier. With the recent update, Zoom has introduced a new server-to-server Oauth app type which will enable Zoom developers to generate an access token without needing user interaction.  The token generated from this app can be used to allow your private server application to get your account owner to grant permission to use specific scopes

If you’re using our Booking and Appointment plugin and have integrated Zoom with the JWT app type, it’s imperative to switch to the OAuth App Type as Zoom has disabled JWT app type authorizations from September 8, 2023.

OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard protocol for authorization that provides applications with secure delegated access. Here are a few reasons why you should choose OAuth for Zoom integration:

  1. Enhanced Security: OAuth tokens have limited lifespans, which minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
  2. User-Centric Control: OAuth allows users to grant limited access to their Zoom accounts without sharing passwords.
  3. Compatibility & Future-Proofing: With Zoom no longer supporting JWT for authorization, moving to OAuth ensures your services remain uninterrupted and in line with industry standards.

Once you have switched to OAuth, you’ll reap these potential benefits.

If you’re aiming for a secure, user-friendly, and future-proof Booking and Appointment system integrated with Zoom, making the switch to the OAuth App Type is not just a recommendation – it’s a necessity. 

NOTE: Before you start with any migration process, make sure you always BackUp your WooCommerce site. It will ensure that you have a fallback if anything goes wrong.

How Does Zoom Work With Booking & Appointment Plugin?

If you haven’t yet integrated the Booking and Appointment Plugin with OAuth, it’s time to make a switch.

Migrating from JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to OAuth for your Zoom integration is an excellent way to enhance the security and flexibility of your integrations. Here’s a step-by-step process to ensure a seamless transition;

As a first step, sign in to your Zoom Account and visit the Zoom App Marketplace. On the top-right corner, you’ll find “Develop” option. Just click on it and select “Build App.” A page with three App Types will be displayed to you. From that, choose “OAuth” as the App Type and then tap “Create.”

zoom oauth integration app

Enter the name in the “App Name” field and select Account-level app as the App Type. Also, ensure you’ve turned off the “Publish to Zoom App Marketplace” feature before hitting the “Create” button.

selecting tychesoftwares plugin in zoom oauth

Under the “App Credentials” tab, you will see the Client ID and Client Secret code. You can use these Credentials to access the Zoom APIs from your app. 

collecting client ID

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret code from this page and paste them on your WooCommerce Booking Settings page at Bookings -> Settings -> Integrations -> Admin Calendar Sync Settings. Under this setting, you will find Client ID and Client Secret fields. Paste the copied ID and Secret Code from the Zoom dashboard in the respective fields. Once done, hit the “Save Settings” button.

linking OAuth ID in the booking and appointment plugin dashboard

Next, copy the Redirect URL and head back to the Zoom Marketplace link. Now paste them in the “Redirect URL for OAuth” field under App Credentials and the “Add Allow List” field under the OAuth Allow List. Once done, press ‘Continue’ to proceed further.

setting redirection and granting access

In this step, ensure that you have filled out all the mandatory fields. If the “Activation” tab doesn’t indicate any missing fields, then your app is good to go.

After this step, you will be needing to add the app scopes and features that you want to extend in the integration. Read our extended Booking & Appointment plugin Zoom integration documentation to know more about this. 

 adding the app scopes and features that you want to extend in your zoom integration

After setting all the features and scopes, you can connect the Zoom to your WooCommerce store. 

Click the “Connect to Zoom” button to link your store to the new Zoom App. It will take you to Zoom’s permission page. Hit “Allow” to finalize the connection, and you’ll get redirected back to the store.

linking your store to the new Zoom App

Need Help? We’re Here for You!

As always, you can also check out our complete documentation of Booking and Appointment Plugin for a more detailed understanding. It provides clarity on every aspect of this Zoom integration, ensuring that your migration to OAuth is easy and hassle-free.

If you have any queries or need support, please don’t hesitate to reach us. We are here to help you.

Browse more in: WooCommerce Booking & Appointment, Integration, Plugin Update

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3 years ago

Is the plugin compatible with any multi-vendor plugins so vendors can have bookable Zoom meetings?

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