The Multiple Time Slot Addon to the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce lets you select multiple timeslots on a date for each product on the website.
You can display the time slots in two ways: Multiple Time slots and Single Time slots.
1. Installation
2. Setting Multiple Time slots for a product
3. Front end
1. Installation
Download and install the zip file from the Plugins > Add New Page.
Activate the plugin in your WordPress admin area.
You can deactivate it by clicking the deactivate button.
2. Setting Multiple Time slots for a product
After activating this addon, there will be an additional setting “Time Slot Selection” in the Availability tab of the Booking meta box.
Under the General Tab, choose your booking type as Fixed Time.
Move to the Availability Tab and enable your weekdays.
Scroll down to find the newly added section called ‘Time Slot Selection’.
Here you can choose the type of time slot displayed on the front end.
If you go with the Single option, you can select only one-time slot while booking the product.
For instance, only one time slot can be added by the customer here:
When the Multiple option is selected, the time slots will have checkboxes. You can select multiple time slots. Let’s go with the Multiple option.
After selecting the type of time slot, add the time slots as per your need.
The time slots will get added as they were made by default.
Note: If you want to change the time slot selection from Multiple to Single or vice-versa at any point, you will only need to select the required radio button. There will be no need to remake all the time slots.
3. Front End
Once the time slots are created for the product, they will be displayed on the front end after selecting the booking date and time.
Each time slot is considered as one booking.
Hence the customer will be charged as per the number of time slots selected.
Here, the total amount is $100 because two timeslots were chosen, i.e., $50 + $50.
a) Cart page
This will be displayed once the product is added to the cart.
Here, all the time slots selected while adding the product to the cart are displayed along with the booking date.
b) Checkout page
On the Checkout page, the product is displayed along with the booking date and all the time slots selected.
Please note that the lockout for each time slot is set.
For instance, 2-time slots were selected.
The 1st time slot has lockout as 1. The other time slot has lockout set to 2.
The time slot with a lockout as 1 will not be available after one booking is made using that time slot for that particular date.
However, the other time slot will be available after one booking is placed using that time slot.
c) Order Received page
On the Order Received page too you will find the booking date and the selected time slots are displayed.
d) Customer Email Notification
After placing an order, the customer receives the email, and that customer email also has the selected time slots.
e) View Bookings page
After placing the order, the View Booking page on the admin side will record the Booking details.
Each time slot will be recorded in a new record for the same order number.
f) Edit Order page
The Edit Order page will have all the selected time slots stored along with the other booking details.
There you have it! Your customers can choose multiple time slots in a giffy with this add on!