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  5. Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors

Using the Booking & Appointment for WooCoommerce plugin’s compatibility with Dokan allows your vendors to turn a product into a bookable one.

Let’s see how that works.

A. Creating a bookable product

Login into your Vendor account and go to the Products tab. 

You can create a new product by clicking the ‘Add new product’ button or editing an existing product. 

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

The Edit button can be found when you hover over the product:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Scroll down to the Booking tab and enable booking first.

Select the Booking Type as Multiple Nights in the Booking meta box.

Click the Save Changes button to save these settings as shown below:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Next, you need to set the availability for this product for which you need to go to the Availability tab.

You can add the settings shown below:

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Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Once all the values are set, click on the Update Product button and the booking settings for this product will be saved.

Thus, this bookable product will be displayed on the Shop page in this manner:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Your Vendors are now ready to configure bookings and accept orders for this bookable product.

B. Front-end booking process

Let’s understand how the product will appear on the front end for the customer.

For instance, you as a customer wish to book Hotel The Pierre for 2 nights from 28th January to 30th January 2018.

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

After you add the dates, the total cost displayed is $2000.

After clicking the Add to Cart button to book this product, you will be taken to the Cart page where all your booking details will be displayed:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Here, the Vendor’s name will be displayed because this is a vendor product.

If you do not wish to change the details, click the Proceed to Checkout button to go to the Checkout page.

The Your Order section will appear as such:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Recheck all the booking details before confirming the order.

The vendor’s name will also be displayed on the Checkout page under the Your Order section.

If all looks fine, click the Place Order button to place the order.

This order once booked, will be seen under the Orders menu option for the Vendors as shown below:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

To check the order details, you have to click on the Order ID and the details will be displayed.

When you click on Order 1996, the following details will be shown:

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Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Thus your order has been placed.

In addition to seeing the booking details in the order, you can also check this booking from the View Bookings page!

You will have to go to the Booking menu option and under the View Bookings tab you will find this booking added as shown below:

Creating bookable products for Dokan Vendors - Tyche Softwares Documentation

To summarise, in these easy steps, your Vendors can easily create bookable products!

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