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WooCommerce Product Addon

Today, let’s dive into how the WooCommerce Product Addons integrate with the  Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce to enhance your online booking experience.

To get started, you need to create a versatile form that can be used for any product. This form will streamline the booking process and provide your customers with a smooth, intuitive experience.

This is done in 2 ways: using the Global Add-On or Product Add-ons from the Product Meta box.

For instance, the below Travelling Fare form is created by going to the Edit Product Page > Add-ons tab in the Product Meta box.

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Form created using Add-ons from Product Meta box

Continue creating a product according to your requirements.

For instance, Enable booking from the General Tab of the Booking meta box. 

Select Single Day as your booking type and click the Save Settings button.

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Enabling a Single Day booking option

Go to the Availability tab and enable the booking for all Weekdays as shown below:

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Single Day booking settings added for the product

Publish the product. The created form will be available on the front end when the customer books a visit to Vineyard.

b) Frontend

The WooCommerce Product Add-ons works with different booking types such as Single Day booking, Single Day with Time Slot booking, and Multiple Nights booking.

For each booking type, the Product Add-on amount will be added to the booking price.

i) Single Day bookings

In the below instance, the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Form – Travelling Fare has been used.

Here you can see that the Vineyard Visit is booked for 28th December, 2017 in the afternoon.

Hence, an additional $20 is charged for the visit on top of the actual amount.

So the total amount payable as shown above is $220.

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WooCommerce Product Add-on form with single-day booking setting

ii) Date & Time bookings

In the below instance, the Date & Time Booking Type uses the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Form – Visit Type.

As you can notice, an additional amount must be paid for a specific visit type.

In this case, the customer has selected the date 23rd December 2017 with a slot of 8 am to 8.30 am to visit the dentist.

They have also chosen the Follow Up option.

Hence the customer will be charged $15 additional to the actual amount ($20 + $15 =$35).

Therefore the total amount payable is $35 as shown above.

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WooCommerce Product Add-on form with date and time slot booking setting

iii) Multiple Nights booking

For Multiple Nights products, the amount from the WooCommerce Product Add-ons settings will be added for the number of days selected for booking.

So if you book a hotel room for 2 days from 24th December to 26th December 2017, you will have a form that helps you add breakfast and lunch.

If availed, then the calculation will be as follows:

Per day Stay = $250/night.

Breakfast = $20

Lunch = $30

Total amount:

= $250* 2 days

= $500 + $50 for breakfast and lunch

= $550 for 2 days stay

Similarly, this works for other booking types too.

WooCommerce Product Addon - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Hotel booking with multiple days booking

Calculating the additional amount for breakfast and lunch on a per-day basis is also possible.

Go to Bookings & Appointment > Settings > Global as shown below:

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Global Booking Settings page

Find the Additional Charges – for Multiple Nights Bookings dropdown.

Enable the option Charge WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Addons options on a Per Day Basis and click the Save Settings:

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Enabling the option on the Global Booking Settings page

This ensures that the price added to the WooCommerce Product Addons form will be multiplied by the total number of booking days for the Multiple Nights Booking option.

To conclude, you’ve seen how effortlessly you can create a form using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons after installing it.

Integrating this plugin with the Booking & Appointment Plugin for Woocommerce allows you to offer variations and additional options like meal choices, travel fares, or doctor’s visits with your bookable products, enhancing user experience and boosting your revenue potential.

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