WC Vendors who wish to know about all their upcoming bookings in one place can use the Calendar View.
A. Calendar View
To access it, go to the Booking tab and click on “Calendar View” as shown below:
When you select it, by default you will see the Week view:
Switch to Month view to see all the upcoming bookings in a particular month:
Day view will display all the upcoming bookings during the day.
When you click on the booking, you will be displayed with different details such as Order ID, Product Name, Booking Date and Time, Customer’s name, etc:
B. Setting up Holidays
If a Vendor wishes to set up Holidays, they can use the ‘Availability’ feature.
After clicking it, the Vendor has to give a title to this holiday and add the duration, i.e., start and end date of this period.
For instance, let’s say you want to set up holidays for Christmas.
Let’s title it “Christmas Holiday” and set the dates from 22nd December to 25th December 2021.
Click on ‘Save’ once you are done.
Using the ‘Delete’ option, you can delete this holiday once it’s set up.
After saving it, your Holiday will appear like this on the Calendar in Week View:
You can switch the views, and the holidays will be displayed accordingly!
In this way, different vendors of your site can set up holidays for all their products using this feature.