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WooCommerce Composite Products

The versatile Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce works seamlessly with the Woocommerce Composite Products plugin. In this guide, let’s walk you through the setup process for creating Composite Products with it so that you can enhance your product offerings and boost your sales easily!

A. What are Composite Products?

Composite Products allow you to group simple or variable products into comprehensive product kits and complex items.

This setup involves configuring multiple components, customizing them to fit your needs, and offering discounts to drive sales.

Like Bundled Products, Composite Products are powerful marketing tools to enhance your sales strategy.

B. Creating a Composite product

Install the WooCommerce Composite Products plugin.

Once you activate this plugin, the Product data dropdown will show the Composite product option.

After clicking on it, the Components tab will be added to the Product data metabox on the Products page as shown below:

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Composite product and Components option added on Product page

Let’s start by creating 2 products – iBall Mouse and Keyboard which will be components of the Composite product Dell Laptop.

Set the booking type of these two products as Single Day.

Now, create a Composite product – a Dell Laptop.

Select the Composite Product option from the Product Data dropdown. Click on the Components tab to add components to the Dell Laptop product.

After clicking the Components tab, you can select the Composite Layout and Add Components by clicking the Add Component button.

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Adding products to Dell Laptop composite product

Add iBall Mouse and Keyboard as the components.

You can keep these products optional to be selected on the front end.

You can price them individually too. It would mean that when they are selected, their individual price will be displayed on the front end and added to the total price.

Additionally, you can add a discount to the product as shown in the below:

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iBall Mouse component added with all its details

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Keyboard component added with all its details

Click on the Save Configuration button to complete adding child products.

Now, it’s time to make this product bookable by adding the booking settings.

Go to the Booking & Appointment meta box > General settings tab > Enable Booking.

Select the Booking type Single Day and click on the Save Settings button.

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Adding Booking details

Click on the Availability tab and add the settings as shown below.

Click on the Save Settings button once done.

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Adding Availability settings

Your Composite product Dell Laptop is ready to go live for your customers!

C. Customer Side

This is how your Dell Laptop bundled product will look on the front end when the customer visits your store to book it.

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WooCommerce Composite Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Product displayed on the front end

The 2 component products of the Dell Laptop which were added on the admin side will get displayed along with their individual discounted prices.

Once you have selected components to be booked along with the Dell Laptop, you will have to choose a date for the booking calendar.

Let’s say that the customer selects the date 29th December 2017 as shown below.

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Add booking date to the product

The Add to Cart button gets enabled.

When you click this button, the order is added to your cart.

Clicking the View Cart button will redirect you to the Cart page which will show the booking details as shown below:

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Cart page showing booking details

Click on the Proceed to Checkout button to go to the Checkout page which gives you a preview of the actual order.

Please ensure you check everything and then click on the Place Order button.

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Checkout page displaying the renting details

Your order is now placed and you will receive an order confirmation as shown below:

WooCommerce Composite Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Order confirmation showing all renting details

To conclude, this post demonstrates how to easily create a Composite Product, combining related components into a single package, much like Bundled Products.

These compatibility features within our plugin help boost your overall revenue. Seize the opportunity and try the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce today!

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