With the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce, you can effortlessly create resources for Simple Subscription Product Type. However, to create a Subscription product, you will require the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension.
Using the two plugins, let’s learn how to seamlessly assign resources to your simple subscription products.
a) Booking Type: Fixed Time
The Booking & Appointment plugin offers different types of bookings. Let’s look at an instance with the booking type ‘Fixed Time’.
Let’s say that you run a coaching class.
You have created a simple subscription product that offers English lessons every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a fixed time slot of 10 am to 12 pm.
To create an English lessons subscription product, go to Products > Add New.
Add the title ‘English lessons,’
Add a product image & then choose ‘Simple subscription’ under Product data.
Fill in other information such as the subscription price, expiry period, sign-up fee, etc as shown below:
Product data page
Enable booking from the Booking Metabox and choose the booking type as Fixed Time. Enable the inline calendar, and save the changes.
Booking metabox
Move onto the Availability tab wherein you will add the days Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Availability Page
Include the timeslots for them from 10 am to 12 pm as shown below:
Adding timeslots in the Availability tab
Once added, the timeslots table will look like this:
Timeslot Table
Next, you must go to the Resource tab, and enable the module.
Title the label as ‘Teacher’ and enter the information for other settings:
Resource Tab
Add in your Resource persons. In this case, they are Priyanka – #314 and Vishal – #320.
Adding Resources
Once done, click the ‘Save Settings’ button and publish the bookable product.
If you wish to make changes to the availability of any of the resources, go to Booking & Appointment > Resources > View Resources.
Choose the resource name. In this case, it is, Resource Vishal – #320.
Under Range type, choose Range of days and keep them from Monday to Friday. This would mean that Resource Vishal would be available/bookable for weekdays.
Don’t forget to turn this range into Bookable by enabling that option.
Edit Resource page
Once you’re done, click on the ‘Update’ button.
b) Frontend display
Since the charge for the English lessons subscription is $50 per week, here’s how it will appear on the Product page:
Product Page
The resource chosen is Vishal. For this, the customer will have to pay an additional $20.
After choosing this resource, the customer can select any day from Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Since the resource is available from Monday to Friday, he will be available on all three days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Lastly, the timeslot available on those days will be from 10 am to 12 pm.
The customer can click on ‘Book Now!’ once they are done selecting their booking details.
All of these details along with the Resource name, Booking date & time will be available on the Cart Page:
Cart Page
It will also be displayed on the Checkout page:
Checkout Page
Voila! You have successfully assigned a resource to your Simple Subscription Product in these few easy steps.