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  5. How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date?

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date?

With the Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce plugin, you can choose to show the estimated delivery date text for the customer on their checkout page. Here’s how to configure it:

Estimated Delivery Date note settings 

Earlier, store owners could not set the text note if they wished to. However now, we have made the text note dynamic.

This means that the store owners can make changes to it however they would like. With this feature, store owners can choose to either display a delivery date picker on the checkout page or simply show the estimated date text.

To set up your text block, go to Dashboard > Order Delivery Date > Delivery Schedule > Choose a schedule > Edit option. 

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Please note that you can edit the Default delivery schedule as shown in the above image or choose to make these changes in a custom delivery schedule.

You can edit a previously made custom delivery schedule or create a new custom delivery schedule and add the settings.

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

For now, let’s go with the Default Delivery Schedule.

Go to Date Settings and Enable the Delivery Date. Next, click on the option ‘Text block’ in order to display the estimated delivery date on the checkout page.

Enter the estimated delivery range. For instance, you can go with 1 and 3 as shown below. The message that would be displayed to the customer will therefore mention that it will take an estimated time of 1-3 days for their delivery.

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation


‘Delivery Checkout options’ setting

After choosing it, you can scroll down and click on the ‘Save Settings’ option. Your delivery schedule will look like this:

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Now, to configure or change the text block note, go to Order Delivery Date > Appearance > Field Appearance > Estimated Delivery Date Text.


How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation


Estimated delivery date text settings 

Here, the store owners can customize the text they wish to display on the front end. Feel free to use HTML tags to style your texts.

For instance, if you want the text to appear a little bigger, then you can add the HTML tags for font size and define how big you require the font to be as shown here:

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

The customer will get to view the bigger font size on the front like this:

How do I show the Estimated Delivery Date? - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Once, you are done making changes to your text, you can scroll down and click on the ‘Save Settings’ button.

Frontend View

Frontend View of Estimated Delivery Date note settings 

Let’s say that your customer made an order for a designer scarf and a maxi dress on 27th April 2021. If you have enabled the text block settings, here’s how they will appear on the front:

Cart Page


Show Estimated Delivery Date - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Text block settings on the Cart Page

Here the estimated shipping date will appear to the customer first. The shipping date will be the same date on which the customer has placed the order.

Following this, the customer will get to view the delivery days, which means that the customer will get to know that they will receive their order between 1-3 working days from the shipping days.

Checkout Page


Show Estimated Delivery Date - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Text block settings on the Checkout Page

Thank you Page

Show Estimated Delivery Date - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Text block settings on the Thank you Page


With this feature, you can easily choose to keep your customer informed about the delivery date of their order.

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