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  2. Flexi BOGO for WooCommerce
  3. Setting Up Discount Rules
  4. Additional Conditions

Additional Conditions

When creating discount offers with the Flexi BOGO (Buy One, Get One) for WooCommerce plugin, additional Conditions allow you to set specific criteria that must be met for a discount to be applied. These criteria can be based on factors such as cart subtotal, product categories, specific products, coupons, product combinations, or the quantity of items in the cart. By using these conditions, you can create more focused and effective discount offers. The plugin checks these conditions before applying any discount.

Accessing the Rules Section:

To access the Rules section, go to WooCommerce -> Flexi BOGO -> Discount Rules  -> Click on ‘+ Create Rule’ button. On the Rule page, you’ll find all the “Rules (Optional)” as below:

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Let’s understand all the settings available in this section.

1) Conditions Relationship

Based on your selection of “Match All” OR “Match any” the rules set will be applied.

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Match All: All specified conditions must be met for the discount to apply.
Match Any: At least one of the specified conditions must be met for the discount to apply.

2) Adding condition

Here, you can add different conditions by clicking “Add condition”.

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Let’s see how many conditions can be applied.

a) Using Cart Conditions

Cart Conditions apply to the entire shopping cart and can include criteria such as the total amount, item quantity, coupon usage, total weight, payment method, and line item count. These conditions help you control when a discount is applied based on the overall contents and characteristics of the cart.

1. Subtotal:

A cart subtotal based discount is a type of discount that is applied to the total amount of a shopping cart.

Condition Type: Select Condition Type to “Subtotal”
Choose whether the subtotal should be Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to.
Amount: Here you will need to set the specific amount
How to calculate the subtotal: Count all items in cart, or Only count items chosen in the filters set for the rule.

For example, if a user spends $100, they will receive a $10 discount.

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So, whatever you have configured in the Discount Section, will only be applicable for the specified conditions.

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Here, I have applied a $10 Fixed Rate Discount for the specific product which will be applied only if the cart total is greater than $100

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2. Item Quantity

A cart quantity/ Item quantity based discount allows discounts based on the total quantity of items in a customer’s shopping cart.

Condition Type: Select “Item Quantity”
Cart item quantity should be: Choose whether the product quantity should be Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to.
Cart item quantity: Set number of product quantities

  • Count all items in the cart, or
  • Only count items chosen in the filters set for the rule.

For instance, if a user buys more than 5 items, they will receive one free product.
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There will be a free product added on cart page if the Product Quantity is equal to or greater than 5.

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3. Coupons

This setting allows you to manage the interaction between discount rules and WooCommerce coupons on your website, giving you control over whether both can be applied simultaneously or if one should take precedence.

You will have the option to choose,
a) Apply if any one coupon is applied (Select from WooCommerce)
b)  Apply if all coupons are applied (Select from WooCommerce)

For instance, customers can use the coupon code “BOGO” to get a 5% discount.

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4. Total Weight

Offer discounts based on the total weight of the items in the cart. This is useful for shipping-related discounts.

Condition Type: Select “Total weight”
Weight should be: Choose whether the product quantity should be Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to.
Weight: Weight of all items.

For example, if a user shops for 10 kg, they will receive a $5 discount.

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5. Payment Method

Discount based on payment method refers to a pricing strategy where customers receive discounts or special offers based on the payment method they select during a purchase. Discounts will only apply during checkout after the customer has chosen a payment method.

For instance, customers can receive a $10 discount when they choose PayPal as their payment method.

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6. Line Item Count

Line Item Count refers to the number of individual products that are added to the shopping cart. Each product added to the cart is considered a separate line item. Add a condition to check the number of line items in the cart to apply a discount.

Condition Type: Select “Line Item Count.”
Line item count should be: Specify the desired number of line items for the discount to apply.
How to Calculate Line Item Count:

  • Count all items in the cart, or
  • Only count items chosen in the filters set for the rule.

Example: Set discounts based on the number of distinct products added to the cart. If a customer adds 5 different products to the cart, the line item count is five, receive 5% discount. This encourages customers to purchase a variety of products and increases the average order value.

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7. User Role

This feature allows administrators to create more granular and targeted discount rules based on specific user roles. This ensures that discounts are only applied to users with specific roles, enhancing the flexibility of the discount system.

Condition Type: User Roles – This option activates the user role-based condition logic.
Select User Role By:

  • In List: Discount applies if the user role matches one of the selected roles.
  • Not In List: Discount applies if the user role does not match the selected roles.

Select Role: A dropdown populated with the available user roles on the website. Administrators can search and select one or more user roles for the condition.


An e-commerce website wants to offer a 10% discount exclusively to contributors on their platform. By setting up a discount rule with the “User Role” condition as described above, the discount will only be applied to registered users with the “Contributor” role.

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8. Specific Users

This option allows administrators to target discounts to individual registered users. This is particularly useful for B2B businesses where pricing or discounting is tailored to specific users.

Condition Type: Specific Users – This option activates the specific user-based condition logic.

Select User Role By:

  • In List: Discount applies only to the selected users.
  • Not In List: Discount applies to all users except the selected users.

Select Users: A dropdown populated with the registered users on the website. Administrators can search and select one or more users for the condition.
Example: A B2B e-commerce platform offers tailored discounts for individual users. By setting up a discount rule with the “Specific Users” condition, administrators can ensure that custom pricing is honored for specific accounts.

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b) Using Cart Item Conditions

Cart Item Conditions apply to specific items within the cart and include criteria such as products, product categories, product tags, product combinations, and category combinations. These conditions help you control discounts based on individual items or groups of items in the cart.

1. Products

Select mandatory products to be/ not to be in cart to apply a discount. For example: Cart should have a product “The Mini Original – Polished Silver Case” to apply a discount on the remaining products in the cart.

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2. Category

You can add a category condition to apply a discount based on the product category. For instance, get 30% off on all products in the cart while the cart has products from the Women’s Bag category.

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3. Products Tags:

You can add additional conditions as Tag and this will be useful when you want to apply a discount on all products in the cart when the cart has a specific tag like “Best Rated” or “Women”.

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4. Category Combination

You can apply a discount based on a combination of product categories. This is useful when you want to offer a discount only if certain products from specific categories are in the cart.

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5. Product Combination

This discount condition is useful for applying a discount when a specific combination of products are in the cart, such as Product A + B + C.

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3) Rule Limit

The plugin allows you to set limits on discount rules to control how often and when the discounts can be applied. This helps in managing promotional campaigns more effectively. Here are two types of rule limits you can set:

1. Maximum Usage Limit

When you set a maximum usage limit, you control how many times the discount can be used. This is useful for limited-time promotions or when you want to cap the number of discounted purchases.

For example, If you set the maximum usage limit to 10, the discount can only be applied 10 times. Once this limit is reached, the discount will no longer be available for customers.

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2. Date & Time Limit

This limit specifies the date range and time period during which the discount rule is valid. You can set both the start and end dates and times. The discount will only be active and applied to purchases made within this date and time range. Outside of this range, the discount will not be available.

Example: If you set a discount rule to be active from August 1 at 12:00 AM to August 30 at 11:59 PM, the discount will only be applied to orders placed within these dates and times. Any orders placed before July 1 at 12:00 AM or after July 31 at 11:59 PM will not qualify for the discount.

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After configuring add additional settings along with Filter(Buy) option and Discount Settings as discussed above, make sure to click the “Save Rule” button to ensure your settings are applied. Without saving, your configured discount will not take effect.

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Once saved, the rule will be listed in the Discount Rules section, where you can manage and toggle the rule’s status as needed.

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By utilizing these features, you can design highly tailored discount offers that align with your marketing objectives and customer preferences, ensuring your discounts are applied in a way that maximizes their impact and effectiveness.

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