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  2. Flexi BOGO for WooCommerce
  3. Setting Up Discount Rules
  4. Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products

Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products

In our Flexi BOGO for WooCommerce plugin, we offer three options for the Mode of Apply to have a discount that is Exclusively for Buy X Get Y Discount type.

1) Auto add
2) Cheapest
3) Highest

Auto add :

The Auto Add option is available only when a specific product is given for free. For example, if you want to offer a Belt and Sunglasses for free when the cart contains 2 Polo T-shirts, set up the settings as follows:

Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Enable Auto add

Customer Experience
When a customer adds two Polo T-shirts to their cart, the Belt and Sunglasses will automatically be added for free. This is how the cart and checkout page will appear to the customer:

Cart page

Cart page

checkout page

Checkout page

Cheapest :

The product with the lowest value among the items selected from the “Discount” section will be discounted based on the quantity. This option works when there are multiple selected products in the cart.

For instance, if Belt, Sunglasses, and Cap products are added to the cart along with 2 Polo T-shirts, the cheapest product among the three will be given for free as below:

Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation
Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Enable Cheapest

Cart page

Cart page

checkout page

Checkout page

Highest :

The product with the highest value among the items selected from the “Discount” section will be discounted based on the quantity. This option works when there are multiple selected products in the cart.

For example, if Belt, Sunglasses, and Cap products are added to the cart along with 2 Polo T-shirts, the most expensive product among the three will be given for free as below:

Applying Discounts: Auto Add Products vs. Discounts on Cheapest or Highest Products - Tyche Softwares Documentation
highest setting

Enable Highest

cart page

Cart page

checkout page

Checkout page

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