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Changelog: Product Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

Changelog for v4.8.1 (RELEASE DATE: January 23,2025)
* Fix – Resolved an issue with trial license expiry behavior.

Changelog for v4.8.0 (RELEASE DATE: January 14,2025)
* Fix – Resolved an issue where validation checks were not functioning correctly with variable products on the product page.
* Fix – Delivery date was appearing twice on the edit order page after upgrading from Lite to Pro version.
* Fix – Delivery charges were not added when adding a product to cart from the shop/archive page.

Changelog for v4.7.0 (RELEASE DATE: December 18 2024)
* Tweak – Added compatibility with WooCommerce Custom Product Addons plugin to pass the addons data to the Google calendar events.
* Fix – PHP notice appears when the blocked time slot is saved.
* Fix – Notice appears when changing the site language in WordPress 6.7.
* Fix – Checkout page stalls due to a conflict with the PayPal plugin.
* Fix – Date not formatted to the correct notation when translated.
* Fix – PHP warnings were appearing when Google Calendar Sync settings were enabled.

Changelog for v4.6.0 (RELEASE DATE: November 05 2024)
* Added code related to the Trial Version of the Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

Changelog for v4.5.0 (RELEASE DATE: October 15 2024)
* Fix – Resolved an issue where the Shop Page settings were not functioning properly.
* Fix – Fixed warnings related to deprecated functions in PHP versions.
* Fix – Corrected the wrong date format displayed within the WooCommerce notice wrapper.
* Fix – Made several strings translation-ready to improve localization support.
* Fix – Added a missing translation string for better multilingual compatibility.
* Fix – Fixed errors appearing on sites running PHP 7.4.

Changelog for v4.4.0 (RELEASE DATE: July 30 2024)
* Tweak – .pot, .po and .mo files are updated with the new strings added from the plugin.
* Fix – The product page has a continuous loop issue due to past dates in the Specific Date Delivery setting.

Changelog for v4.3.0 (RELEASE DATE: May 28 2024)
* Enhancement :- Added hook to pick up the selected delivery date and time.
* Fix – Added a translation string for the text generated via the text block option.
* Fix – Fixed warning & fatal errors.

Changelog for v4.2.1 (RELEASE DATE: April 16 2024)

* Tweak – Update compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2
* Tweak – Update compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7.0
* Fix – Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.
* Fix – Fixed Checkout process stalling due to a bug.

Changelog for v4.2.0 (RELEASE DATE: March 12 2024)

* Fix – Fixed placing an order the selected delivery date is not appear on the Order Received page with Cart/Checkout block page.
* Fix – Fixed Delivery date not selectable on the product page.
* Fix – Fixed Issues with the “minimum delivery preparation time” setting.
* Fix – Fixed Delivery charges text appear twice time on the cart page.
* Fix – Fixed Bug with the Manage Availability tab.
* Fix – Made compatibility with Woodmart theme.
* Fix – Fixed Wrong delivery dates auto-populated.
* Fix – Updated the support link from Freshdesk to Freescout.
* Fix – Fixed the Delivery charges not appear on the cart page when the ‘Apply One-Time Delivery Charges For Multiple Products’ setting is enabled.
* Fix – Unable to set holidays in the backend due to errors.
* Fix – The first available specific delivery date is not populating on the product frontend.
* Fix – Auto-select the first available timeslot shows the wrong time slot on the delivery time field.
* Fix – Empty needle PHP error appears on the ‘View Deliveries’ page.
* Fix – Fixed waring errors.

Changelog for v4.1.0 (RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 11 2023)

Enhancement :- Migrate the deactivation survey and tracking code from v1 to v2.
Fix :- The time slot Dropdown become invisible on product page when there was more than one specific date selected on product setting page.
Fix :- Rounding prices feature is not working on cart page.
Fix :- Selected delivery date is not auto populating on edit delivery popup on cart/checkout page.
Fix :- The recurring weekday checkbox is automatically enabled even though I have disabled and updated the product.
Fix :- ‘Edit Deliveries’ button shows twice time on the cart page with WC latest version.
Fix :- Specific delivery date is shown as the first available delivery date even though weekdays are enabled.
Fix :- A deprecated notice appears on the product front-end with PHP 8.2.
Fix :- Duplicate Dates from First Product In the Cart To Other Products feature not working properly for specific delivery dates.
Fix :- Delivery time slots are neither editable nor deletable.
Fix :- Compatibility issues with the Starbelly restaurant WordPress theme.
Fix :- Checkout process stalls and can’t be completed with v4.0.0.
Fix :- ‘Bulk Product Settings’ removed all data form the product if there is only setting was selected.
Fix :- Issue of deleting all data when plugin deleted.
Fix :- Timeslots issue with specific delivery dates option.
Fix :- Wrong file path is specified in the instructions manual for the key file upload for Google Calendar integration.

Changelog for v4.0.0 (RELEASE DATE: APRIL 04 2023)

Enhancement:- A whole new UI for the plugin settings.
Fix :- When the admin try to edit time slots then it was giving the Uncaught TypeError issue.
Fix :- There were some fatal errors with PHP 8.
Fix :- The delivery date was showing even if its cut-off time had passed.
Fix :- Critical error was appearing when product settings were updated via Bulk Product Settings.
Fix :- There was a compatibility issue with the Advanced Custom Field plugin.
Fix :- When there are all past specific dates available then it was giving a fatal error.

Changelog for v3.15.0 (RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 17 2022)

Enhancement :- Plugin has been made compatible with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage.
Enhancement :- Added option to edit time slots without having to delete them.
Fix :- Fixed a fatal error issue of Google Calendar with PHP 8.

Changelog for v3.14.0 (RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 04 2022)
Enhancement :- Added an option to force the same time slot along with delivery date for all the products in the cart when there are multiple products in the cart.
Enhancement :- Added filter to change edit delivery date modal button text.
Fix :- Time slots do not get deleted when specific delivery dates are removed. This has been fixed.
Fix :- Slow page speed load time issue. This has been fixed.
Fix :- Critical Error when Divi theme is running. This has been fixed.
Fix :- Selected weekdays and time slots are removed automatically when I try to add time slots. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.13.1 (RELEASE DATE: JULY 26 2022)
Fix :- Add to Cart button on product page is not showing without selecting delivery date.

Changelog for v3.13.0 (RELEASE DATE: JULY 26 2022)

Enhancement :- Added an option to add charges for the product after the same day delivery cut-off time.
Enhancement :- Added an option for blocking a time slot date wise .
Enhancement :- Added an option to apply delivery charges for the next day’s delivery..
Enhancement :- Added an option to waive/discard delivery charges once total order amount exceeds a certain figure.
Enhancement :- Added 2 new custom Calendar themes for the delivery Calendar on product page.
Fix :- Delivery date field label was not getting translated on the checkout page, fixed that.
Fix :- Unavailable delivery dates were auto-populated on the delivery calendar. This has been fixed.
Fix :- Time slots were not saving properly for specific dates on the bulk settings page. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.12.0 (RELEASE DATE: JUNE 14 2022)

Enhancement :- Added an option to populate first available delivery date.
Enhancement :- Added an ability to display the first available timeslot as pre-selected on the product page.
Enhancement :- Added an option to duplicate dates from first product in the cart to other products for some categories & not for all products.
Enhancement :- Added a new ‘Order View’ to show the deliveries list by orders instead of by products.
Enhancement :- Added an option to change the message which appears when the delivery date chosen in first product of cart is to be duplicated to other products too.
Fix :- Fixed error on the payment confirmation page.
Fix :- Add to cart button doesn’t show up when the duplicate dates feature is active. This has been fixed.
Fix :- Fatal error shows up on the “Bulk Product Settings” page. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.11.1 (RELEASE DATE: MAY 31 2022)

1. Fix :- The cart page shows “The cut-off time is passed for the selected date for product. Please select another delivery date for that product.” error. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.11.0 (RELEASE DATE: MAY 03 2022)

1. Fix :- The cart page shows “The cut-off time is passed for the selected date for product. Please select another delivery date for that product.” error. This has been fixed.
2. Fix :- Checkout page shows “Cut-off duration for the Product: has expired for Date: 01/01/70. Please select another date for delivery” message. This has been fixed.
3. Fix :- Fixed the compatibility issue with OceanWP theme’s quick view popup.
4. Fix :- The delivery details are not displaying in the mini cart and on the checkout page with the Divi BodyCommerce plugin. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.10.4 (RELEASE DATE: APRIL 26 2022)

1. Enhancements :- Added an option to not add delivery charges when users select the Local Pickup shipping method. Admin can change this behavior by disabling the option from the settings page.
2. Enhancements :- Added a filter to the WooCommerce orders listing page to filter orders based on delivery dates.
3. Enhancements :- Added a delivery date filter in the View Deliveries page.
4. Enhancements :- It will show both delivery date and delivery time together when the show inline calendar option is enabled.
5. Enhancements :- Appended time slot price just after each time slots in the dropdown.
6. Fix :- It was not applying one time delivery charge for the same time slots if multiple products are booked for the same date and time slot. This has been fixed.
7. Fix :- Bulk Product Settings was not working properly with the override checkbox. This has been fixed.
8. Fix :- Fixed the compatibility issue with WooCommerce Mix and Match Products plugin.
9. Fix :- Orders were coming for past dates. This has been fixed.
10. Fix :- Made the same format of address as Print has in CSV export of orders. This has been fixed.
11. Fix :- Edit delivery date option was not working on the Checkout page even if the option is enabled. This has been fixed.
12. Fix :- Product price was considering both the delivery charges when there were weekday charges and specific dates with time slot charges. This has been fixed.
13. Fix :- Edit & Delete actions of delivery charges were not working in bulk product settings. This has been fixed.
14. Fix :- Inline calendar was not showing properly on the product page when the ‘Number of months to show’ was set to 2. This has been fixed.
15. Fix :- Delivery charges were not getting added to manual orders. This has been fixed.
16. Fix :- All Delivery charges were not getting saved from the bulk action settings in the individual products. This has been fixed.
17. Fix :- Global holiday was not shown on the admin delivery calendar. This has been fixed.
18. Fix :- The date picker field kept loading endlessly with page builders. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.10.3 (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 11 2021)

1. Fix :- Checkout page shows error messages that halt the checkout process.

Changelog for v3.10.2 (RELEASE DATE: DECEMBER 15 2021)

1. Fix :- Checkout page shows “Product: {product name} has Recurring Weekdays as well as Specific Days disabled.” error message.

Changelog for v3.10.1 (RELEASE DATE: DECEMBER 7 2021)

1. Fix :- Cut-off expiration message showing on the checkout page even when the cut-off for the product has not been reached. This has been fixed.
2. Fix :- Recurring weekdays that have been previously unchecked reappear on the Edit Product Page after saving. This has been fixed.
3. Fix :- Missing closing curly bracelet in the date-picker CSS file. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.10.0 (RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 9 2021)

1. Feature :- Added new settings to change the delivery date field label at the product level.
2. Enhancement :- Changed the default value of the options maximum deliveries per day and maximum deliveries per time to ‘0’ instead of 60 and 30.
3. Enhancement :- Have enabled the Delivery date and time to be mandatory by default once the ‘Enable delivery date’ option is checked.
4. Enhancement :- Added an option to let users decide whether the system should remove the plugin settings from the database when our plugin is deleted.
5. Enhancement :- Added a notice message to let users know that changes have been saved when editing product settings via the ‘Bulk Product Settings’ menu tab option.
6. Enhancement :- Added a filter named `prdd_default_time_slot_for_event` to change calendar reminder notification time for ics file.
7. Fix :- Added validation on the checkout page that checks whether selected dates are available or not. This has been fixed.
8. Fix :- Optimized the calendar page by modifying the queries. This has been fixed.
9. Fix :- Fixed the issue of the maximum deliveries per day feature when multiple products are in the cart. This has been fixed.
10. Fix :- The wholesale price was being charged for the guest users on the Cart/Checkout pages. This has been fixed.
11. Fix :- Hide Delivery Charges Message on Product Page when a product with the same date is present in the cart. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.9.0 (RELEASE DATE: MAY 20 2021)

1. Enhancement :- Added Order Items Post Meta to Order Post Meta with selected date if Please select this checkbox if you want to select the date globally for All products once selected for a product and added to cart option is enabled.
2. Fix :- Regular price is displaying on the cart, checkout pages instead of Wholesale price with the WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering plugin. This has been fixed.
3. Fix :- Added a filter named prdd_create_new_order_on_date_reschedule for not creating rescheduled orders when we change the delivery date from edit-order or my-account page. This has been fixed.
4. Fix :- Some of the string needs to be translatable in our pot file. This has been fixed.
5. Fix :- Google Calendar’s ICS file is not adding the placeholder that is set in settings. This has been fixed.
6. Fix :- Bundle products are adding google entries for all child products instead of only the parent product. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.8.0 (RELEASE DATE: APRIL 19 2021)

1. Enhancement: Added an option in the plugin to force the same delivery date for all the products in the cart when there are multiple products in the cart.
2. Enhancement: Added a filter which is used for not displaying the stock total count when the delivery date is not selected.
3. Fix :- Apply the delivery charges separately for different time slots even if multiple products are booked for the same date. This has been fixed.
4. Fix :- The delivery event exported to the google calendar is still present there even if the order is canceled, failed, refunded or when order was deleted. This has been fixed.
5. Fix :- The WC product addon price is not getting added to the total price on the product front end. This has been fixed.
6. Fix :- All delivery charges are getting deleted if user try to delete single delivery charges in edit product page of admin. This has been fixed.
7. Fix :- Specific dates not getting removed when we delete the date from the list and update the product in edit product page of admin. This has been fixed.

Changelog for v3.7.0 (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 12 2021)

1. Enhancement: Added the date format ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ in our date format list on the global settings.
2. Enhancement: Added a function to search orders by delivery date on the WC Orders page search field.
3. Enhancement: Added a filter to change the “Edit Deliveries” text of button and modal title on the cart/checkout/my-account pages.
4. Fix :- The delivery calendar is not displaying on the product page with the Avada Core & Builder plugins. This has been fixed.
5. Fix :- The WC product addon price is getting removed from the total price when the delivery date is edited on the cart/checkout pages. This has been fixed.
6. Fix :- The delivery date and time keep loading on the Single Product page added through the Elementor. This has been fixed.
7. Fix :- Some deprecated code notices for WordPress version 5.7 have been fixed.

Changelog for v3.6.0 (RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 03 2021)

1. New feature :- Added the delivery calendar on the Shop page. Customers can now select delivery date & time from the Shop page when you enable this option.
2. Enhancement: FullCalendar library has been updated to it’s latest version.
3. Fix :- The variation name does not show in CSV format and Print format. This has been fixed.
4. Fix :- The delivery calendar is not displaying properly in the Edit Deliveries popup. This has been fixed.
5. Fix :- The date format in the availability message is not displaying the same format that displays in the delivery date field. This has been fixed.
6 Fix :- The delivery date calendar keeps loading in the side cart for the variable products with the Elessi theme. This has been fixed.
7. Fix :- The delivery charges are not getting applied with the Elessi theme for the simple product. This has been fixed.
8. Fix :- Date and time slot orders do not show on the Delivery calendar in week view. This has been fixed.
9. Fix :- The delivery calendar is not appearing on the Edit Order page. This has been fixed.
10. Fix :- Delivery Calendar keeps loading when the manual order is created for the Mix and Match product type. This has been fixed.
11. Fix :- We should display the date lockout for the time slots when the lockout is only set for the date, not for the time slots. This has been fixed.
12. Fix :- The price of the first product added to the cart is being considered for the second product when the first product removed from the cart. This has been fixed.
13. Fix :- The close icon of the popup in the cart page is not showing on the cart page for guest users. This has been fixed.
14. Fix :- The “Fixed delivery period by dates” option is not applying in the Edit Deliveries for the second product added to the cart. This has been fixed.
15. Fix :- The delivery date & time fields are appearing on adding the fee to the order before the WC order is created. This is fixed now.
16. Fix :- Invoice email for the additional payment of rescheduled delivery should not be sent if the price is the same. This is fixed now.
17. Fix :- The delivery charges added at the last is only getting added to products. This is fixed now.
18. Fix :- The delivery charges not overriding even if the Override existing product settings option was selected. This is fixed now.
19. Fix :- The availability of the delivery date is being shown incorrectly even if the next delivery is made for another date. This is fixed now.

Changelog for v3.5.0 (RELEASE DATE: DECEMBER 14 2020)

1. New feature :- Delivery date and time are unable to add in the WooCommerce order creating manually.
2. Enhancement :- Prepend the SKU with the item name while selecting product names in the Bulk Products Settings.
3. Enhancement :- Update compatibility with WordPress 5.6.
4. Fix :- Time slots were not being shown in ascending order of time on the product page. This has been fixed.
5. Fix :- Modified the code to improve performance. This is fixed now.
6. Fix :- Only the last time slot is getting added and displayed in products when we add the time slots using the Bulk product settings option. This is fixed now.
7. Fix :- Some deprecated code notices have been fixed.
8. Fix :- All the field labels are appearing as center-aligned. This is fixed now.
9. Fix :- Tootip for a 2nd-time slot not showing proper information. This is fixed now.

Changelog for v3.4.0 (RELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 04 2020)

1. Enhancement :- Added “Hebrew” language in the calendar.
2. Enhancement :- Added an option to choose the Product Categories / Product Tags under Bulk Product Settings tab.
3. Enhancement :- Added readme.txt file.
4. Enhancement :- Added Uninstall.php file.
5. Fix :- Product options not showing in the mini-cart widget.
6. Fix :- Increased the font size if the description added in the Bulk Product Settings tab.
7. Fix :- Message of “Settings Saved ” were not coming in Bulk Product Settings tab when settings were saved.
8. Fix :- Compatibility with the Elementor Plugin.
9. Fix :- Added a plugin icon on the updates page in WordPress.
10. Fix :- Time slots that are not filled at the back-end were getting saved incorrectly and were displaying wrongly on the front-end.
11. Fix :- Errors where coming on the debug log for the sites having PHP version lower than 7.3
12. Fix :- Errors where reported under the WP Site Health.
13. Fix :- Able to add the product to the cart even the delivery date was kept mandatory.
14. Fix :- Price of bundle product in Woocommerce Cart was coming zero.
15. Fix :- Delivery Charges were getting removed when the editing the delivery date on the cart page.
16. Fix :- Fatal error was coming when the product is deleted from the cart on the sites having PHP version lower than 7.3.
17. Fix :- Delivery Charge tab UI was not proper.
18. Fix :- Tooltip was showing “null” instead of information.
19. Fix :- Incorrect date was showing availbale in the calendar.


Changelog for v3.3.1 (RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 27 2020)

1. Fixed:- Error on checkout page are fixed now.
2. Fixed:- PHP notice coming on integration of Google calendar.This is fixed now.
3. Fixed:- Errors are coming in debug.log when we enable the option to Allow customers to export deliveries as ICS file after placing order.This is fixed now.

Changelog for v3.3.0 (RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 21 2020)

  1. Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  2. Fixed:- Number of Dates to Choose option is not working when we set it to 1. This is Fixed now.
  3. Fixed:- Plugin was conflicting with Creta Theme which is fixed now.
  4. Fixed:- JS Errors on cart & checkout page are fixed now.
  5. Fixed:- Some strings were not getting translated due to domain name issues. This is fixed now.
  6. Fixed:- Plugin was conflicting with Box-Shop Theme which is fixed now.
  7. Fixed:- Delivery charges are not getting applied again for other products if one product is removed from the cart. This is fixed now.
  8. Fixed:- Disabling a recurring weekday with deleted time slots does not work. This is fixed now.
  9. Fixed:- Time slot selection in Edit deliveries popup for cart and checkout page was not showing selected time-slots. This  is fixed now.
  10. Fixed:- It allows to place an order for tomorrow’s date even if the Next day cut-off time is passed. This is fixed now.
  11. Dev:- Added a filter to not calculate the next-day cut-off time on non-delivery weekdays and Holidays.
  12. Dev:- Have added a filter to show the time-slots available until its end time.
  13. Dev:- Added an option to override the Per Products Settings with Bulk Product Settings.
  14. Dev:- Have added an option to add a Placeholder in Delivery Field.

Changelog for V3.2.2 (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 12 2020)

This update to the plugin is for announcing the plugin compatibility with WooCommerce v4.0.0


Changelog for V3.2.1 (RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 22 2020)

This update to the plugin is for announcing the plugin compatibility with WooCommerce v3.9.x


Changelog for V3.1 (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 28 2019)

There are a couple of tweaks and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:


1. Added some space between Add to cart button and the Delivery date form box.

2. In addition to the delivery calendar showing up when the cursor focus is in the field, the calendar will now also load on click of the calendar icon.

Bug Fixes

1. Product Delivery Date settings were not loading when Polylang Pro plugin was active. This has been fixed.

2. Minimum delivery preparation time was not getting applied when Delivery Type was set to a fixed delivery period. This is now fixed.

3. Added a couple of missing strings in the PO files

4. Past delivery dates were appearing when Delivery Type was set to fixed delivery period. This is fixed.


Changelog for V3.0(RELEASE:FEBRUARY 1 2019)
There are some enhancements and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. Now Tomorrow’s Deliveries can be seen on the View Deliveries page in admin.

2. Now the delivery settings can be added for multiple products together from Bulk Product Settings tab on Product Delivery Date -> Settings menu.

Bug Fixes:

1. The base price of the composite product was not getting added to the total order amount on the cart page. This is fixed now.

2. Welcome Page will now be shown only to the admin users.

3. Orders were received for the past dates when the delivery date is selected as the current date but the order is not placed today and then the customer tries to place the order tomorrow. This is fixed now.

4. Some strings were not added in the .po and .mo files. This is fixed now.

5. Price was not getting calculated properly for Composite product when the plugin is active. This is fixed now.

6. Delivery Calendar was not displayed properly on the product page with WoodMart theme. This is fixed now.

7. The same day was available even when Next day cut-off time is set and Same day cut-off time is not. This is fixed now.

8. Time slots were not getting saved for the products when the product earlier had only weekdays enabled and then the time slot is enabled. This is fixed now.

9. There was a fatal shown on the View Deliveries Page when there were more 4 thousand orders. This is fixed now.

10. Export Data is not coming properly in the CSV or Print when the product name has a comma in it. This is fixed now.

11. Delivery date was coming as ‘NaN’ when the site is auto-translated using Google translate. This is fixed now.

12. The plugin was calling google fonts insecurely. This is fixed now.

13. Event for the delivery date was not showing in the Calendar View on View Deliveries page in admin. This is fixed now.

14. The delivery calendar was not shown properly on the frontend product page when the Number of months to show in calendar set to 2. This is fixed now.

15. An error was shown in console with a specific delivery date and time slot set for the product. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.9(Release: June 28 2018)
There are some enhancements and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:


1. A new FAQ & Support menu is added to Product Delivery Date menu in admin dashboard which lists the top 10 frequently asked questions. This helps you to resolve your queries in a more faster way if they are already been answered or you can simply contact our Support team with the contact details provided. 

2. A Welcome page is added which will be shown on installation or updating of the plugin. It explains some exciting features or some new features in brief. 

3. A survey is added on deactivation of the plugin which helps us to know why is plugin is being or not used. This helps in improvising the plugin functionalities. 

4. Product Delivery Date Lite plugin will now be activated automatically if Product Delivery Date Pro is being installed and active. 

Bug Fixes:

1. Delivery date was not being edited when clicked on "Edit delivery" button on WooCommerce Edit Orders page. This is fixed now. 

2. Edit Deliveries button was not shown on the cart page even when the 'Allow Deliveries to be editable' checkbox is checked. This is fixed now. 

3. Some warnings in debug.log file are fixed.
Changelog for v2.8(Release: May 23 2018)
The plugin is now made GDPR Compliant from this version. Along with it, some bugs are fixed. 

GDPR Complaint:

1. A notice is being added to the Google Calendar Sync Settings page which informs the admin to mention about the Custom Data exported to the Google calendar in the Privacy Policies. 

2. CSS files for the calendar themes are being added to the plugin instead of using them from an external source. 

3. Delivery Date & Time for the products in the order will now be exported to the User's Personal Data from the Tools -> Export Personal Data menu.

Bug Fixes:

1. Delivery events were not shown on the Delivery Calendar on View Deliveries -> Calendar View page. The issue was coming with 404 error in the console. This is fixed now. 

2. The delivery date calendar was not coming in the selected language under Product Delivery Date -> Settings menu. The issue was coming only when the 'Show calendar always visible' option is enabled for the product. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.7(Release: January 29 2018)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. Mandatory field error was shown on the product page when the Inline calendar is enabled and first available delivery date is pre-selected. This is fixed now.

2. Warnings shown on the Order Received Page is fixed.

3. Product price becomes 0 when the delivery date is edited on the cart page for a variable product. This is fixed now.

4. Some minor UI changes are done in the plugin.
Changelog for v2.6(Release: January 3 2018)
There are some enhancements and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:


1. You can now sort deliveries by delivery date on Product Delivery Date -> View Deliveries menu.

2. You can now set half hour minimum delivery time by setting it to 0.5.

Bug Fixes:

1. Delivery Date calendar was not working on the Quick View added from WooCommerce Quick View plugin. This is fixed now.

2. Delivery Date calendar was not working on the Quick View pop up added from YITH WooCommerce Quick View plugin. This is fixed now.

3. Warnings displayed on the My Account page are fixed.

4. Some errors in the debug.log file are fixed.

5. Subtotal was getting doubled in cart widget when the product does not have date field mandatory and the product is added to the cart without a date. This is fixed now.

6. Add to Calendar buttons was not added to the customer notification email when the order is placed and the status of the order is On-hold or Completed. This is fixed now.

7. Same day is enabled on the delivery calendar when next day cut-off time is reached and the same day cut-off time is not set. This is fixed now.

8. Some user experience of the product delivery date settings tab is fixed on the Edit product page.

9. Some warnings are fixed on the View Deliveries menu in the admin dashboard.

10. Delivery field labels were blank when updated to the latest version. This is fixed now.

11. Time slots added for both recurring and specific date are available for delivery in the time slot dropdown on the product page. This is fixed now. It will show time slots added only for a specific date.
Changelog for v2.5(Release: December 6 2017)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. Delivery Date and Time selected for the product was not shown on the Order Received Page, My Account Page, Customer notification email and Edit order page. This issue was coming when the product added in the order is a variable product. It was also coming when there are any extra spaces added to the product title. This is fixed now.

2. Fatal error was shown on the frontend product page when there were orders places for the subscription product earlier and later the WooCommerce Subscription plugin is deactivated. This is fixed now.

3. Delivery Charges were not added when clicked on Add Delivery Charges button on edit product page in admin. This is fixed now.

4. Disabled weekdays were not excluded from the Minimum Delivery Time calculation when 'prdd_exclude_minimum_hours_for_disable_days filter was used. This is fixed now.

5. Deliveries were not shown on the View Deliveries page due to a fatal error. This is fixed now.

6. Fatal error was shown on the cart page when lower version 2.6.3 of WooCommerce is installed with the latest version of the plugin. This is fixed now.

7. Internal server error was coming on the checkout page while paying the order through PayPal. The issue was coming with WooCommerce version 2.6.3. This is fixed now.

8. Product price is changed to 0 when the deliveries are edited from the cart page. This is fixed now.

9. Delivery date and time fields were shown in the cart widget when the deliveries are edited from the cart page. This is fixed now.

10. The delivery time slot was not changing when changed on the cart page. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.4.1(Release: October 4 2017)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. There was a scripting error on the frontend product page when clicked on the Delivery calendar. The issue was coming when Delivery on Specific Dates or Recurring Weekdays is enabled but no specific dates or weekdays are added. This is fixed now.

2. No weekdays were enabled in the calendar when the Delivery on Recurring Weekdays in enabled with Fixed Date Range set. This is fixed now.

3. No weekdays were enabled in the calendar when the no Delivery type is enabled with Fixed Date Range set. This is fixed now.

4. The warning was displayed on the frontend product page when Delivery on Recurring Weekdays is enabled but no weekdays are selected and the time slots are added. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.4(Release: September 26 2017)
There are some new features and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New features:

1. Delivery Details can now be edited throughout the order cycle. It can be edited on the Cart page, Checkout page and My Account page by the customers. Admin can also edit the delivery details from the WooCommerce Edit order page.

2. From now you can show a text block instead of the Delivery date calendar on the frontend product page. The text block will show the estimated delivery days in business days or an estimated delivery date.

3. The plugin is now made compatible with WooCommerce Quick View plugin by CodeCanyon. Delivery details can now be selected on the Quick view pop up.

Bug Fixes:

1. Icons for Google Calendar and Other calendar were not coming in the drop-down on the Order Received page when Add to Calendar setting is enabled. This is fixed now.

2. Incorrect prices were displayed on the cart page when the WooCommerce Product Add-ons plugin is active. This is fixed now.

3. Some errors in the debug.log file are fixed.

4. Delivery Calendar was showing past dates when the Fixed Date range option is enabled and the Start Date and End Date for the range are not set. This is fixed now.

5. Scripting error was coming on the product page when the Recurring Days is enabled but no weekdays are added for the product. This is fixed now.

6. Enable Rounding of Prices was not working for the Delivery Charges on the product page. This is fixed now.

7. Currency symbol was not displayed correctly in exported CSV file from View Deliveries page in the admin. This is fixed now.

8. Recurring weekdays are enabled in the calendar when Delivery on Specific Dates are enabled and Recurring Days are disabled, but the weekdays were added earlier for the products. This is fixed now.

9. Scripting error was coming on the product page when Specific Dates is enabled but no Specific Dates are added to the product. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.3(Release: June 29 2017)
There are some new features and one bug fix in this update which are mentioned below:

New features:

1. Orders which have Products with Delivery Date and/or Time can now be synced to Google Calendar. Settings for the Google Calendar Synchronization can be found under Product Delivery Date -> Google Calendar Sync tab.

2. The plugin is now made compatible with Yith Quick View plugin. Delivery Date & Time fields will now be added in the Quick View option on the shop page.

Bug Fix:

Extra spaces were added above & below the Delivery date & time fields on the product details page. The issue was coming with Kallyas WordPress theme.
Changelog for v2.2(Release: April 21 2017)
There is one new feature and some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New feature:
You can now set the cut-off time for Same day and Next day delivery for each product. The Same day & Next day will be disabled in the delivery calendar once the Cut-off time has passed for their respective days.

Bug Fixes:
1. View Deliveries page was showing the First name 2 times instead of First name and Last name in Customer Name column. This is fixed now.
2. Fatal error was shown on the View Deliveries page. The issue was coming with WooCommerce version 3.0.0. This is fixed now.
3. Fatal error was shown on the frontend product page. The issue was coming with WooCommerce version 3.0.0. This is fixed now.
4. Fatal error was shown on the Order received page when the Show 'Add to Calendar' button on Order Received page and Send delivery information as attachments (ICS files) in email notifications checkboxes are checked. This is fixed now.
5. Events were not displayed in the calendar on the View Deliveries -> Calendar view page. The issue was coming with WooCommerce version 3.0.0. This is fixed now.
6. A notice was displayed on the product page when the product is added to the cart. This is fixed now.
7. Notices were displayed when the Print or CSV export is done from the View Deliveries page. The issue was coming WooCommerce version 3.0.0. It is fixed now.
8. Some errors in debug.log file are fixed.
Changelog for v2.1(Release: April 4 2017)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. The delivery date calendar was not working in Internet Explorer. This is fixed.
2. The plugin is made compatible with WooCommerce version 3.0.0. Warnings coming on the product, cart, order received page related to the compatibility are fixed. Also, few warnings displayed on the View Deliveries are also fixed.
3. With WooCommerce version 3.0.0 for variable products, the delivery charges for delivery dates and/or time slot were not displaying on the Order Received page. This is fixed.
4. Warnings displayed on the WooCommerce Edit page with WooCommerce version 3.0.0 are fixed.
5. Warnings in the debug.log file with WooCommerce version 3.0.0 are fixed.
Changelog for v2.0.1(Release: February 28 2017)
There is one minor bug fix in this update which is mentioned below:

Delivery Charges were getting applied to all the products when multiple products with the same delivery date are added to the cart. This happens when the 'Apply one-time delivery charges for multiple products' setting is enabled. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v2.0(Release: February 28 2017)
There are some new features, 1 hook and some bug fixes in this update which is mentioned below:

New features:
1. You can now restrict delivery charges to apply only once for multiple products with the same delivery date.
A new setting named "Apply one-time delivery charges for multiple products" is added under Product Delivery Date -> Settings tab for this.
2. Delivery Charges for the delivery date & time and total amount will now be displayed on the frontend product page.
3. You can now group the products in the cart based on the delivery date selected using the Packages Configuration for WooCommerce plugin. You can use 'prdd_date' as Custom Item field on the checkout page for grouping products.

New Hook:
A new hook named as "prdd_minimum_delivery_date" is added which allows you to overwrite the first available date in the calendar on the frontend product page.

Bug Fixes:
1. Delivery charges were added automatically even if the delivery date is not selected for the product while adding new order from WooCommerce edit order page in admin. This is fixed now.
2. Product subtotal was coming as 0.00 in the cart and on the checkout page for the subscription products. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.9(Release: October 20 2016)
There is 1 new feature and some bug fixes in this update which is mentioned below:

New feature:
A new hook named as "prdd_exclude_minimum_hours_for_disable_days" is added which allows excluding disabled weekdays from the Minimum Delivery preparation time (in hours) setting.

Bugs Fixes:
1. The product is added to the cart even if the fields are mandatory. The issue is coming when the delivery date is selected on the product page and the time slot is not selected. Here if the customer navigates back using the back button of browser and then again returns to the product page using the forward button. Here the date field has the date which was selected earlier by the customer but the time field is not displayed. Now if the customer clicks on "Add to Cart" button, the product gets added to the cart despite the time slot not being selected. This is fixed now.
2. Add meta was not working on the WooCommerce Edit order page in admin when the "Enable Delivery Date" is not checked for the product. This is fixed now.
3. First Day of Week in the calendar was changed from Monday to Sunday when a date is selected in the Holidays calendar on Product Delivery Date -> Settings page. This is fixed now.
4. Memory exhausted error was coming on the frontend product page when there is more than thousand order on the website. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.8(Release: July 12 2016)
There are some new features and bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New features:
1. A new setting named as "Enable Availability Display on the Product page" is added under Product Delivery Date ->Global Delivery Settings tab which if enabled, will show the availability of the date and time on the frontend product page.
2. Now you can change the label for the Delivery Charges displayed on the Cart page, Checkout page, Order Received Page and Notifications emails. The setting is added under Product Delivery Date -> Field Labels tab.

Bugs Fixed:
1. Fatal error was displayed when the plugin is activated with the PHP 7. This is fixed now.
2. On editing the already added delivery prices on the admin product page, a new record was added instead of updating the existing one. This is fixed now.
3. The time slot was displayed on the event on View Deliveries -> Calendar View even if the order has only Delivery Date selected. This is fixed now.
4. Currency symbol was not displayed with the Delivery charges on the Order Received page and Notification emails when the Time slots charges are enabled. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.7(Release: May 13 2016)
There are some new features and bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New feature:
1. The Delivery date and time can now be added or edited via the WooCommerce Orders section.
For the new orders, you can add a product to the order and click on Add meta button, it will display the delivery fields based on the settings for the product. Select the desired date and time and save the product meta.
For the existing orders, you can delete the product with the old delivery date and time and add the same product in the order with the new delivery date and time.
2. The global settings under Product Delivery Date -> Settings menu has been restructured. We are now using the WordPress Settings API for all the settings.

Bugs Fixed:
1. Delivery charges were added on the cart page even if they were not added to the product in the admin when the Calendar language is set to a language different from the English. This is fixed now.
2. Settings of the first product were duplicated to all other products if multiple products were created at the same time using any bulk create option from third party plugins. This is fixed now.
3. Time slot charges were not added on the cart page when the date format is set to '13 May, 16'. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.6(Release: March 9 2016)
There are some new features and bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New feature:
1. The jQuery Calendar on the frontend product page will now appear with a Flat Design. The CSS file for the Flat Design is used from the WP Datepicker Styling plugin on Github: https://github.com/stuttter/wp-datepicker-styling
2. The plugin is now using the jquery libraries available in WordPress core instead of the googleapis.com.

Bugs Fixed:
1. The calendar is not working on the frontend product page when the specific date is enabled. It throws a javascript error and page is unresponsive. This is fixed now.
2. Delivery charges for the product were not coming in the email notifications sent to the customer and admin when the order is placed on the checkout page with WooCommerce v2.5.x. This is fixed now.
3. Currency symbol was not displayed along with the Delivery charges on the Order Received Page and Customer email notifications. This is fixed now.
4. A notice was displayed on the frontend product page when the inline calendar is enabled with recurring weekdays and time slots. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.5(Release: February 5 2016)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:
1. Availability check was not working on the front end product page when the "Max deliveries per time slot" is set to blank and "Maximum deliveries per day" is set to a value. The issue is coming when the product is added to cart for more than 2 times with same date and different time slots. This is fixed now.
2. Delivery Date and/or Time selected for the product was not coming in the email notifications sent to the customer and admin when the order is placed on the checkout page with WooCommerce v2.5.x. This is fixed now.
3. Incorrect Number of Dates to choose enabled in calendar on the frontend product page when there are some weekdays disabled for Delivery and the Minimum Delivery preparation time (in hours) is set. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.4(Release: January 13 2016)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

1. The "Maximum deliveries per day" setting allows more number of deliveries for a date on the frontend product details page than the value set with the time slot enabled and the "Max deliveries per time slot" is blank. This is fixed now.
2. The time slots are not loaded for the specific dates added for a product on the frontend product details page. This was happening for dates that had a leading 0 (zero) in the day or month. This is fixed.
3. Number of dates to choose on the frontend product details page is +1 then the set value in "Number of Dates to choose" option. This is fixed now.
4. Availability check for the "Max deliveries per time slot" on frontend product details page was not working if the time slots are added for specific dates for a product. This was happening for specific dates that had a leading 0 (zero) in the day or month. This is fixed.
Changelog for v1.3(Release: January 7 2016)
There are two new features and two bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:

New Features:
1. Now the Delivery Date and/or Time slot field can be set as mandatory on the product details page. It can be done using the setting "Mandatory fields" in Product Delivery Date -> Settings tab on WooCommerce admin edit product page.
2. The Add to cart button can be hidden using the setting "Hide Add to cart button" until the Delivery date and/or time is selected on the product details page. The setting is added in Product Delivery Date -> Settings tab on WooCommerce admin edit product page.

Bug Fixes:
1. The time slot for a delivery date was blocked after one order on the product details page if the lockout is set to blank or 0. This is fixed now.
2. The delivery date was available for further deliveries even if the Maximum deliveries per day is reached and the Maximum deliveries per time slot is set to blank. This is fixed now.
Changelog for v1.2(Release: December 15 2015)
There some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:
1. The Maximum deliveries per day setting allow more number of deliveries for a date and/or time slot then the value set on the frontend product page. This is fixed now.
2. Warnings displayed on the WooCommerce admin product page and frontend product page when the plugin is updated from version 1.0 and global settings from Product Delivery Date menu are not saved.
3. .pot, .po and .mo files are updated with the new strings added from the plugin.
Changelog for v1.1(Release: December 7 2015)
There are some bug fixes in this update which are mentioned below:
1. Delivery Charges for the weekdays, specific dates and time slots are counted as product price when the date and/or time slot is selected on the product page. This is fixed. Now the Delivery Charges will be added to the product price when the product is added to the cart.
2. Records are not displayed correctly on the Manage Dates and Time slots tab when Recurring weekdays are selected with the time slots enabled, but no time slots are added. This is fixed now.
3. The Special Pricing tab is now changed to the Delivery Charges tab on the WooCommerce -> Add/Edit Product page in admin.
Changelog for v1.0(Release: November 26 2015)
Initial Release
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