Store owners might use this popular feature of cross-sell blocks to make customers buy additional or related items present in the cart. Let’s adapt this tactics and spotlight customer’s attention to products featuring BOGO offers or discounts.
Solution: Add Free Products to Cross-Sell Blocks on the WooCommerce Cart Page
The code snippet given below will be overriding the template file, specifically the ‘cross-sells.php’ file helps to customize the cross-sell functionality to include a specific complementary product in the cross-sell block on the cart page.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_crosssell_ids', 'ts_custom_cross_sells' ); function ts_custom_cross_sells( $cross_sell_ids ){ $cross_sell_ids = [470]; return $cross_sell_ids; }
Follow these steps to change the default text of the cross-sell block.
- Find the template file from: wp-content/themes/your-theme/woocommerce/cart/cross-sells.php
- Use a code editor to open cross-sells.php in your theme directory.
- Look for a line that sets the heading, and Update the Heading Text with this line: $heading = apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_product_cross_sells_products_heading’, __( ‘Get this product for Free:’, ‘your-theme-text-domain’ ) );
- Save the cross-sells.php file.
The following output shows that a specific free product is featured in the cross-sell block on the cart page.
And the blow image represents the default text and the cross-sell block that appears on the cart page.
Instead of showcasing the free product in the cross-sell block, you can also automatically add upsell products to cart via custom link in WooCommerce.