Price by range of days:
- You will find this functionality in the edit product page under the Booking Meta box, next to “Fixed block booking” tab. A new tab is created name “Price by Range of days”, here you will find the settings for the same.
- This particular functionality will work with “Multiple Days” ONLY.
- For setting up this functionality, you will need to input the minimum and maximum number of days for which you can set a fixed price or a per night price.
- You can make number of such blocks with different prices.
- Make sure you do not overlap the range of days.
- On the front end product page, the price will come according to the number of days selected for booking.
- This works with variable product type too.
- For variable product, the blocks can be generated for every variation.
- This functionality will not work with the new “Fixed Block booking” functionality.
- While setting the price for the blocks, please select either of the price, i.e., per day price or Fixed price, if you put value for both then the fixed price will be considered.
Here are the steps you will need to setup the range of days:
- You will find the Price by range of days setting on the admin side on the Edit Product page, next to the View/ Delete Booking Dates, Time slots tab
- In the Price by Range of days tab, you will need to first enable the “Enable Price by range of days” field. After which you will find a button named “Add New Range”. Clicking on it will display some fields below the button to setup the new range.
- You will find field named “Minimum Number of days:”, where you will need to input the minimum number of days value for the range. This field will decide the minimum required range of days for the amount of the block to be applied on the product.
- Then you will find another field named “Maximum Number of days”, where you will need to input the maximum number of days value for the range. This field will limit the amount of the block to be applied till the maximum number of days entered.
- Now you will need to input the price of the block that you are creating. Here you will either need to enter the value in “Price per day” OR in the “Fixed Price” field. If you enter the value in both the fields, the amount entered int he fixed price will be applied to the product.
- Lastly, you need to save the block, on which the block created will be displayed below the fields for setting.
Here is how the Price by Range of days setting on the admin side looks like: