If you want to change the shipping label of your cart page, then you can modify the shipping label displayed to your customers. By changing the default label from “Free Shipping” to “Free Delivery,” you can make it more understandable for your customers.
add_filter('woocommerce_shipping_package_name', 'ts_change_shipping_text_to_delivery', 20, 3 ); function ts_change_shipping_text_to_delivery( $sprintf, $i, $package ) { $sprintf = sprintf( _nx( 'Delivery', 'Delivery %d', ( $i + 1 ), 'delivery packages', 'woocommerce' ), ( $i + 1 ) ); return $sprintf; }
By implementing this snippet, you can effectively improve the checkout process by clearly indicating the purpose of each shipping package. Replacing generic “Free Shipping” labels with informative “Free Delivery” labels on the cart page.

Similarly, You can also customize the “Shipping to” text on the WooCommerce cart total section.