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Create Booking

The customers may call the website’s phone number or send emails for a manual booking.

That’s why store owners and admins can create bookings manually using the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce.

Here’s how: Navigate through to the Booking & Appointment > Booking > Create Booking.

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Select the Create Booking option

Here, you will get to add the Customer, Bookable Product details and select one of three ways you wish to create the manual order.

A. New Order

B. Existing Order

C. Only Booking

A. New Order

This lets you create a new order altogether. Here, you can select from either a Customer or a Guest.

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Create Booking section

In this case, ‘Tanisha Mehta’ has been selected as the Customer. The Bookable product is ‘Guitar classes for Beginners’.

Choose ‘New Order’ under the Create Order option.

Note that a new order will be created here for the booking, which will be active only after the order is processed or completed.

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Selecting the first option for creating an order

After clicking the Next button, you will be taken to the next page, where you can select the booking details according to the product’s availability.

You will need to add multiple dates since the Guitar lessons for Beginners allow you to select a faculty and multiple dates.

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Create Booking where you add Booking Data

Select the booking details as your customer requested. In the case below, Kinjal has been selected as the Faculty. The Booking dates are 30th March, 31st March, and 2nd April, 2024.

The price calculated based on the dates selected is $240.

Once done, click the Create Booking button.

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Adding booking dates for the order

A new booking order will be created, and you can now view that new order as can be seen below

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Manual order created

The order ID in the above image is #561. Under the Order Notes section at the bottom right, you will see that the Manual Booking note was created on 28 March, 2024.

Note that if any error occurs during this booking process, you will be redirected to the Create Booking page with the specified error message.

B. Existing Order

Using this option, you can add the new booking to the existing order using the Order ID.

Go with the same selections for Customer and Bookable Product.

In the Create Order section, choose the Existing Order option.

Under the Existing Order ID, add the Order ID of an existing order to which you want to add the new booking. Let’s go with 561. 

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Assigning booking to an existing order

After clicking the Next button, you will be asked to add the booking dates on the Create Booking for Existing Order page.

You can enter the details as shown below:

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Adding booking dates

Thus, this new booking will be added to the existing Order #561 as shown below:

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Here, two bookings have been added to one order.

The Order Notes section shows that the bookable product ‘Guitar Classes for Beginners’ was manually added to this existing order.

These same order details will be reflected on the WooCommerce > Orders Page as shown below:

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If you view the order by clicking the 👁 icon, you will be able to see the booking details:

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C. Only Booking

This setting allows you to create bookings manually without creating a WooCommerce order.

This is especially useful when you want to reduce the quantity of a product on a particular date and time or when you have received offline bookings for which you do not want to create any orders.

Add your customer and bookable product. In this case, it is Tanisha Mehta who will be responsible for the bookable product Conference Hall. 

Select the Only Booking option in the Create Order section setting. Now click the Next button.

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Since the Conference Hall is a duration-based booking type, you will have to select the duration, booking date and time as shown below:

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Click the Create Booking button once you’re done. You will get to see the following message when your booking is successful.

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To view the created booking, go to Booking > View Bookings tab as shown below:

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Note that on the WooCommerce > Order Page, you will NOT find this booking as an order.

That’s it! The Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce is there to help you provide a complete solution for both online and manual service reservations.

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