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Product Availability

The Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce offers a powerful “Manage Availability for Products” feature, revolutionizing how store owners handle their bookable inventory. This functionality enables bulk operations for adding, deleting, and updating availability-related information across multiple bookable products simultaneously, significantly streamlining inventory management.

For instance, you have multiple bookable products set up with the Fixed Time Booking Type. You want to add/delete a new timeslot or update the max booking and pricing for multiple products from one place. This functionality makes it easy to do so.

In the same way, you can make it work for different booking types available in the Booking plugin.

Go to the Booking & Appointment > Settings > Product Availability.

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation
After selecting the products, you will find the following settings:

1. Select products: All the bookable products will be listed here. You can select as many products or all products to execute the added actions. In the above image, All Products have been selected.

2. Day/Date: You can select either the Day or Date you want to manage the availability.

3. Which Days/Dates: Here, you will select the days or dates you want to manage the availability.

4. Action: You can select the Add, Update, and Delete options for the selected days/dates.

5. From & To time: Here, you will input from time and to time values in the 24-hour format (HH: MM). Please note that this option is applicable only for Fixed Time booking type

6. Max Booking: You can enter the maximum bookings available when adding or updating the products.

7. Price: Here, you will enter the special price used when adding or updating the products’ availability.

8. Note: This field is for adding or updating note information for the chosen day/date and time information. This option applies only to the Fixed Time booking type.

One can add as many actions as they want in the Manage Availability table. Added action will be executed for the selected product in the ‘Select Products’ fields.

It is highly recommended to select the same booking type products for smooth execution and less number of actions to be performed! This will avoid any performance-related issues.

Here’s how the setting will work with different booking types available in the plugin:

A. Single Day

1) Action: Add

Using a Single Day booking type, you can create a bookable product that takes the booking for the whole day. This booking type can be used in Tour Business, Events, Amusement Park, etc.

Let’s assume that you run one of these businesses and you have created multiple products (could be 100+) with the following availability:

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

In the above screenshot, all the weekdays are enabled except Monday and Tuesday. If you want to enable both these weekdays along with their max booking and pricing for all/multiple products, then you can do so by adding the following action in the manage availability table.

Bookable products: All the products where we want to add availability. In this case, it will be City Tour, City Tour A, City Tour B, and City Tour C.

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: Monday, Tuesday

Action: Add

From & To time: Blank

Max Booking: 100

Price: Blank

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

In the table, the Add action has been used to enable Monday & Tuesday along with its Max booking as 100. Clicking on the ‘Execute Added Action‘ button will gather the selected data and execute it on the selected products.

In this case, Monday & Tuesday will be enabled in the selected product along with the Max Booking to 100.

In the same way, it is possible to add new dates to the products as shown in the below screenshot.

Bookable products: All the products where we want to add availability. In this case, they are City Tour, City Tour A, City Tour B, and City Tour C.

Day/Date: Date

Which Days/Dates: 9-02-2024, 10-02-2024 and 11-02-2024

Action: Add

From & To time: Blank

Max Booking: 100

Price: Blank

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

After executing this action, 9th, 10th, and 12th February 2024 will be added to the selected products with 100 as its maximum booking.

Please Note: If the day/date is already enabled then nothing will happen for that day/date. Additionally, it would not matter if any values are set or not in the ‘From & To time’ and ‘Note’ columns if the booking type is Single Day.

2) Action: Delete

Using this option, you can easily delete or disable the available days or dates of the bookable product.

Let’s say that you have all the weekdays enabled in the products and you want to disable Saturday & Sunday. Here’s what you will fill in the Manage Availability Table.

Bookable products: All the products in which we want to delete the availability. In this case, they are City Tour, City Tour A, City Tour B, and City Tour C.

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: Saturday and Sunday

Action: Delete

From & To time: Blank

Max Booking: Blank

Price: Blank

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


After executing this action, Saturday and Sunday will be disabled in the selected products. In the same way, it is possible to delete the dates from the product.

3) Action: Update

Sometimes, you will need to update the Maximum booking for the days/dates for multiple products. Visiting and updating each product can get tedious, so the ‘Update’ option will be handy.

For instance, you need to update the maximum booking and price for all weekdays for multiple or all products. Do so by adding the following action in the Manage availability table.

Bookable products: All the products in which we want to delete the availability. In this case, they are City Tour, City Tour A, City Tour B, and City Tour C.


Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: All

Action: Update

From & To time: Blank

Max Booking: 150

Price: 250

Note: Blank



Day/Date: Date

Which Days/Dates: 16-02-2024 and 17-02-2024

Action: Update

From & To time: Blank

Max Booking: 150

Price: 250

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


Executing the above-added action will update the Maximum booking to 150 and the pricing to 250 for the selected products on all weekdays, including February 16th and 17th, 2024.

If the selected day is disabled, then the details will not be updated. In this case, it should first be enabled by using the Add action.

B. Duration-Based Time & Multiple Nights

Actions: Add, Delete, Update

The above-mentioned actions are for the products that are set up with Duration Based Time or Multiple Nights. They will work in the same manner as explained in the Single Day booking type section.

The only difference is that the Max Booking field will not be considered for the days/dates.

Additionally, when adding dates for the products, only the pricing of the dates will be considered.

C. Fixed Time

Using the Fixed Time booking type, you can create a bookable product that allows booking the product on a date and time slot. This booking type can be used in businesses like hair spa to an appointment with a doctor.

Let’s assume you run one of these businesses and you have created multiple products (could be 100+) with the following availability.

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

Based on the above screenshot, the product will be available to book for all weekdays between 10:00 – 11:00, 11:00 – 12:00, 12:00 – 13:00 and 13:00 – 14:00 time slots.

1) Action: Add

If you want to add more time slots for particular or all weekdays, you can do so by adding the following action in the manage availability table: Let’s add a 14:00 – 15:00 time slot for Sunday in multiple products.

Bookable products: All the products for which we want to add availability. In this case, they are Doctor A, Doctor B, and Doctor C. 

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: Sunday

Action: Add

From & To time: 14:00 to 15:00

Max Booking: 1

Price: 200 (You can keep it blank if you do not wish to set the price)

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


In the table, the add action has been used to add the 14:00 – 15:00 timeslot for Sunday. Its Maximum booking is 1 and the time slot price is 200. Additionally, there’s a note.

Clicking on the ‘Execute Added Action‘ button will gather and execute the selected data on the selected products.

If the weekday or date is not available in the product then the weekday will be enabled and the date will get added to the product.

If you want to add or update only a day/date, you can do the same without adding any numbers in the From and To time fields.

In the same way, it is possible to add new time slots for dates to the products, as shown in the screenshot below.

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation

After executing this action, the 18:00 – 20:00 timeslot will get added for the 15th, 22nd, and 29th February 2024 dates to the selected products with 1 as its maximum booking and price as 200.

Additionally, this action will add the 15th, 22nd, and 29th February 2024 dates in the specific dates if products don’t have these dates.

2) Action: Delete

Let’s say you have some timeslots for all the weekdays in our products. You want to delete a particular time slot 13:00 – 14:00 for all weekdays. You can add the following action in the Manage availability table.

Bookable products: All the products in which we want to delete the availability. In this case, they are Doctor A, Doctor B and Doctor C. 

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: All

Action: Delete

From & To time: 13:00 and 14:00

Max Booking: Blank

Price: Blank

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


Once you click the ‘Execute Added Action‘ button, it will delete the 13:00 – 14:00 timeslot from all weekdays. When the delete action commences without time slot information then the weekdays will get disabled in the products. In the same way, this will work for the dates.

3) Action: Update

Let’s say that you need to update the maximum booking and price for some of the time slots for all weekdays in multiple products or all products. You can add the following actions in the Manage Availability table.

Bookable products: All the products in which we want to delete the availability. In this case, they are Doctor A, Doctor B and Doctor C. 

Action 1

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: All

Action: Update

From & To time: 10:00 and 11:00

Max Booking: 10

Price: 100

Note: Blank


Action 2

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: All

Action: Update

From & To time: 11:00 and 12:00

Max Booking: 10

Price: 100

Note: Blank


Action 3

Day/Date: Day

Which Days/Dates: All

Action: Update

From & To time: 12:00 and 13:00

Max Booking: 10

Price: 100

Note: Blank

Product Availability - Tyche Softwares Documentation


Clicking the ‘Execute Added Action‘ button after adding the above actions will update the Max Booking and Price of the time slots in the selected products. If the From time and To time information is not added, then the Maximum Booking and Price will be updated for the selected day/date.

Thus, the Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce’sManage Availability for products’ functionality will help you simplify the process of adding, updating, or deleting specific settings for different products!

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